DV Play 7.49 is released

The New Year 2020 comes and following our tradition, we have a new version that again is focused on providing more comfortable work to our customers. Here is the short list with news:

  1. A new Skip column is introduced. Using it allows to plan in the playlists alternative blocks that the operator could easyly turn ON when it is needed. See the screenshot.
  2. The Playlist Editor now shows the currently played file and its ACTUAL start time. The actual start time could be different than the planned if a file has been skipped (because it is missing), or if the video player operator did some manual changes. With new feature the video player could be managed via Playlist editor primary and significantly reduces the need of work done directly on the Playout server.
  3. The old command Set as Next is renamed to Prepare and its behaviour is changed. Now it works marking the selected row on which it will be transferred when the current file finished.
  4. Important fixes that supplement the reliability of live inputs with SDI / NDI / IP Inputs.